There is no doubt that internal crisis plans are crucial. Crises, however, are living and breathing events. Not all are created equal. It takes skill, practice and leadership to manage a crisis. You need to adapt and respond to the situation at hand. You need to understand how to apply your company's crisis manual to the specific situation.
Following a crisis plan checklist is easy. Developing crisis management leadership skills takes practice. Even then, most people will never have the disposition or mental agility to take charge in a crisis. Still, there is nothing more valuable to a company than someone who has the instincts needed to navigate the intricacies of a crisis. Someone who has the right temperament. Someone who has experience.
But how can you develop your skills and gain the experience you need? How can you determine if you are cut out to be a leader in a crisis? Let’s face it, you don’t want your crisis experience to solely come from facing actual crisis situations. Learning best practices through training programs and panels discussions is one way to familiarize yourself with the field. Simple best practice trainings and panel discussions, however, leave gaps. You do not feel the same pressure and tension that exist during an actual crisis. There may be a lot of talking but not a lot of doing. What truly crafts crisis management leaders are crisis simulations, and the most profoundly impactful simulations are immersive.
No matter your experience, if you have the mettle, Reign-Maker’s Crisis Immersion Program will hone your crisis management expertise. The interactive program engages participants in a crisis simulation that requires them to use the skills they possess as well as the tools the program teaches. The Crisis Immersion pushes participants to think on their feet and develop a skill set they would only have developed having been through a crisis.
Over the course of two days the crisis will evolve, reactions will be judged and skills will be honed. Most importantly, you will emerge as a valuable crisis management asset to your company and improve your crisis management abilities. When a crisis strikes your company, don’t just dust off your crisis manual and start following the plan. Be a crisis leader who genuinely understands how to manage a crisis.