Crisis communications and management are increasingly becoming a major part of the formal position description for Communications roles. Advertisements for vacant positions include responsibilities such as coordinate crisis communications, implement protocols and best practices for crisis communications and lead crisis issue/management.
That crisis management responsibility can sit in your job description like a time bomb. You use your internal and external communications skills and experience daily, but your crisis management ability is rarely tested, honed and improved until you really need those skills.
Crisis management isn’t a fake it till you make it issue. It takes practice to successfully manage and communicate during a crisis. Crisis management skills are broad and deep, but they aren’t a muscle you exercise every day.
The ability to truly manage a crisis sets the average communicator apart from the exceptional one. Let’s face it, every function thinks it communicates well. But when an issue explodes into a crisis, the untrained run for cover or falter. If you are prepared, and have the skills, a crisis can be your time to take the reins and shine.
No matter your experience, Reign-Maker’s Crisis Immersion Program will hone your crisis management expertise. The interactive program engages participants in a crisis simulation that requires them to use the skills they possess as well as the tools the program teaches. While the immersion only simulates the pressure of live fire crisis conditions, the skill development is real.
This crisis training program is unique. Over the course of two days the crisis will evolve, reactions will be judged and skills will be honed. Most importantly, you will emerge as a valuable crisis management asset to your company and improve your crisis management abilities. Prepare yourself and conquer your crisis responsibilities with confidence.